Materials for decorating and warming the balcony - what we advise you to choose

Rybnikov Alexey

The choice of material for insulation of the balcony
The choice of material for insulation of the balcony

In a small apartment there is always a problem of lack of space. Sometimes it’s very difficult to find a few meters that will help relieve space. And here the balcony can quite help out. The balcony is insulated using some materials.

Materials for warming the balcony

StyrofoamCheap and lightweight material, easy to installFragile and fragile
PenoplexStrong, durable and easy to transport material, easy to finishNo
Glass woolDurability and strength, low thermal conductivityInstability to moisture, special clothing is required during operation
Mineral wool and other materials with a foil layerInstallation does not require waterproofing, retains heat wellNot the most durable material

Stages of the work: the installation of warm windows and sealing gaps

Stages of work
Stages of work

If the parapet of the balcony is durable, you can safely install windows. Otherwise, an additional parapet must be used. The following types of windows are suitable for warming the balcony:

  • Windows with double-glazed windows.
  • Windows with swing wings.
  • Having expansion profiles.

Note. After installing the windows, you can fix up cracks, holes and other small holes. If you do not pay attention to this, part of the heat will go outside.

For insulation, it is worth using various sealed mixtures and mastics, which will close the cracks well and reliably. If there are seams, you need to fill them with polyurethane foam without toluene.

Choosing a method of installing insulation

There are two ways to fix the thermal insulation material:

  • Using special glue that does not contain toluene.
  • With dowels that are mounted around the perimeter.

Direct insulation

After choosing the method of fastening the insulation, you must follow the following instructions:

  • It is necessary to level the floor and waterproof the walls, floor and parapet.
  • Laying insulation on the floor. There are special materials that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold. These materials include para-insulating tape.
  • To complete the insulation of the floor should be reinforced mesh.
  • Then it is necessary to strengthen the insulation on the walls and ceiling and close the entire structure with drywall, which is resistant to moisture.

After installing the insulation, you can use MDF panels, as well as plastic or wooden lining. At the last stage, the installation of skirting boards, the installation of sockets, switches.

Useful Tips

Additional recommendations for insulation
Additional recommendations for insulation

To make the balcony as warm as possible, you should use additional sources of heat, for example, “warm floor” or radiator.

Some recommendations:

  • You can fill the floor with expanded clay and make a screed.
  • False ceiling will help hide the wiring.
  • For additional heating, you can use the electric fireplace.

If you choose the right materials and competently approach all stages of the work, you can get a cozy and warm balcony, which will become an independent room.

Visitors Comments
  1. To warm the balcony, it is best to use mineral wool boards 100 mm thick, or at least 50 mm if there is not enough space on the balcony. Outside, the insulation is closed by a wind barrier, and on the inside by a vapor barrier. The interior decoration of the balcony railings can be made of waterproof drywall, or from plastic lining. In the latter case, no additional finishing is required.

  2. Viktor Sukhinsky

    Mineral mats are certainly good, but I think that 100 millimeters is too much. In the end, are we not going to sleep there in the winter?))
    But the living space of such a thickness will be taken away - because, as a rule, our balconies are not too huge.
    So 50 millimeters of mineral mats or penoplex (although the issue of high cost already arises here) + decorative trim is optimal!

  3. Sergei

    The choice of insulation material is an individual matter, as well as its thickness. I think natural materials are preferable. It is advisable to use plastic to a minimum, as when heated, you will breathe its “unique aroma”. Better wooden “lining”. For insulation, the calculation can be made, knowing the climate and the planned heating system.

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