Garage Wall Decoration: Work Options
After buying a car and building a garage, the question naturally arises of how to finish the walls in the garage. If you look, then the impression is that such a question cannot even arise at all.
There are many materials that can be used in decoration, but this is not always the case. Finishing the walls of the garage is a rather delicate moment, which depends on the method of using the room.
Many make repairs with their own hands and they need a strong coating, others use it only as a parking lot and then other parameters are needed. In this article we will talk about the materials used and how to do the job.
And after that, you can choose exactly what you need.
The content of the article
Finishing Material Requirements
First you must decide for yourself what exactly you want to see. The options for finishing the garage are quite different, although there are, in principle, requirements that should satisfy everyone.
- Lining material should not burn;
- To transfer various chemical influences;
- It is quite simple to clean and not to attract dirt and dust;
- The surface should not absorb odor;
- Resistance to mechanical influences.
Finish options
Although it is not so simple for a room to withstand all the parameters, so many people make a garage in two rooms. Either the upper part is divided into two rooms, or the structure is carried out in two floors.
The bottom line is, in one part, this is where the car is standing, the walls and ceiling are made with stronger materials. And the second room is already used for relaxation.
Therefore, several types of finishing materials can be used. The design of the finish of the garage in this embodiment can be quite different.
This option is most often used in garage decoration. Here you can qualitatively align the walls and then paint them.
- This is a durable and reliable coating that will last a long time;
- The price of such material is quite low and you will not incur large costs. Especially if you do the work yourself;
- This is not a combustible material that is fairly easy to repair. Even if you damage the coating during the repair, then it is quite simple to fix and it does not take much time;
- Plaster is suitable for almost any material of the manufacture of the garage, from blocks to brick;
This finish has many advantages, but it is not without drawbacks:
- This is a pretty dirty job;
- The process itself is long and takes a lot of time;
- If the preparation and application of the solution is not correct, the surface will not last for a long time and everything will have to be done again.
The use of tiles in the decoration of the garage
The decoration and design of the garage are well resolved using this material. You can preview photos and videos on this topic and select the right tile and immediately determine the pattern.
- You immediately get non-combustible material that looks good. You will get a view of the living space and, from an aesthetic point of view, will be quite satisfied;
- But there is a drawback. If you have a thin-walled structure and the walls can vibrate, then this option will not work, it will last a little.
When vibrating, it just crackes, and the weight of the wall will increase significantly. But this option is perfect for brick walls or blocks; - The installation process will take a lot of time and it is necessary to fix the elements on a flat surface, that is, you will have to make the plaster;
Attention: Pay attention to the surface of the tile, if you are doing repairs in the garage, then the glossy surface of the material will not suit you. The squeeze will slip on it, so give preference to a matte and non-slippery version.
PVC wall decoration
Finishing the garage with plastic panels has recently been done quite often. Such a coating can be installed in a few hours and can be said without debris.
And the price of the material is quite low.
- Many masters advise making such a cladding. It is especially useful if you have a warm garage. After all, during installation, you can make insulation, and this reduces heating costs;
- For wall decoration it is better to apply on their external part, this will contribute to the best energy saving;
- These panels do not allow moisture to pass and will not allow the surface to collapse under the influence of rain;
Attention: If you will use this material, then consider if a wooden crate is made, then it should be treated with antiseptics before carrying out the installation.
This will prevent the formation of fungus and extend the life of the structure. Full installation instructions are on the pages of our site.
- You will get a surface for which it is not difficult to care for and repair. It just replaces the panel and it does not take much time and effort;
- But this version of the finish has its drawbacks. Such a coating can be damaged mechanically. And this is most likely at low temperatures;
- Also, such a frame takes a lot of usable area in the room, if you decide to do the decoration in the interior of the room. Also, in this option, you can no longer use the squeeze, which will damage the surface.
But this design can be applied to the second floor or to the recreation area; - Lining the garage with clapboard will also bring problems for the installation of various cabinets, the mounting of which is not so easy to do.
Ceiling decoration
Now let's think how to finish the ceiling in the garage. If you are repairing cars, then you need a hard coating.
You will need to install a hook in the ceiling and you need to focus the squeeze. It all depends on specialization.
The heating of the room will also affect.
- If you are doing repairs, then you can use the finish of the ceiling with plaster or tile. It will look beautiful and will not affect the convenience of work;
- If you only intend to set up the car and use the garage as a resting place, then you can do plasterboard ceiling. This design will be useful in heating the room.
You can put additional insulation.
Floor cladding
Here, as a rule, such materials are used. Either the floor is filled with concrete.
Or tile is installed on the plane. Most often used paving.
When using the second option, you will get the following:
- Good coating strength;
- Durability will be at its best and the product will last for many years;
- Such a coating will not contribute to the accumulation of moisture and is completely fireproof;
- Excellent tolerance of temperature differences;
- High resistance to chemicals.
- Moreover, you can do all the work yourself and the prices are quite low.
As can be seen from the above, a beautiful finish of the garages is quite possible for a fairly reasonable fee. You can always think over and finish garage design correctly with your own hands and do not have repair problems for a long time.
It all depends on the type of garage, there are no universal recipes. One thing is the garage in the cottage, where there is an expensive foreign car, a jet ski, some expensive things are stored. Quite another - a garage equipped for car repairs. But even here the painter and, for example, the electrician have completely different requirements.