Primer "Knauf" - the range and characteristics
In the correct repair without priming the surface can not do. Ancient masters and architects knew about this. And if the question arose before you to perform this procedure or not, then cast aside all your doubts.
For a modest investment, you will get a more durable surface that will last much longer. That is why, the hero of this review will be the soil, or rather - Knauf primer deep penetration.
The content of the article
Quality first
The German company “Knauf” is one of the leaders in the production of building and finishing materials, for almost 90 years. The range of their products is very large, and includes many integrated innovative products.
Advantages and disadvantages
Knauf has more than 100 manufacturing enterprises located in Europe, China, USA, Iran and other parts of the world. The basis of their products is: drywall sheets, gypsum partitions, polystyrene, metal profiles, gypsum and cement mixtures, as well as various equipment for working with building mixtures.
The assortment of this company also includes soils of various grades and modifications, the production of which, first of all, takes into account full compatibility with the products of this manufacturer. This guarantees the best result when working, and eliminates the need to independently select the optimal compositions for a particular surface.
Briefly list the main properties of these soils:
- Knauf primers do not interfere with gas exchangedue to which the microclimate in the room will be natural;
- They provide better grip. between the processed surface and facing materials;
- Knauf soils do not contain substances harmful to the human body and are hypoallergenic;
- The types of soils intended for external work are resistant to temperature extremes, and prevent the penetration of atmospheric moisture into the treated surfaces;
- Knauf soil consumption is minimal.
The only drawback worth mentioning is the price. Many manufacturers offer their products at a lower cost, while promising similar results. But that's another topic.
Why choose a primer
We think that everyone knows about the difference in surface structures of different materials. Some are porous, others, on the contrary, have a dense structure, so that they absorb moisture in different ways.
Of great importance is the texture of the surface itself, as well as its strength. All these subtleties require the selection of the appropriate soil, otherwise it will not work to get a high-quality hitch with the base.
So that your putty does not peel off, and the wallpaper does not peel off, we list a few simple rules when choosing a primer:
- Use primers on the same basis as the finishing material used. For example: for water based paints, buy soil on an acrylic basis. Otherwise, you will get noticeable smudges appearing through the paint.
- The second selection criterion is the ability of the surface to absorb. Deep porous primers are ideal for porous, highly absorbent surfaces.Particles of these compounds are very small - this allows them to penetrate deep into the material up to 10 centimeters.
- If the surface already has good adhesion, that is, it has moderate moisture absorption, then it is enough to treat it with reinforcing soil, which interacts only with the surface itself. Such processing will require less financial costs.
- If on the package with soil it is indicated that it is of deep penetration, and its contents resemble thick milk in color, then most likely you will see a poor-quality composition. Real soils of this type have a more transparent consistency.
- For work in damp rooms, primers with antiseptic additives are used, which prevent the growth of mold.
Advice! No matter how perfect, the composition you have chosen does not come to the surface, do not forget to check the expiration dates. Because expired soil loses its basic properties.
Of course, you will not need detailed instructions, and you probably already saw this process on some video. All work can be easily done with your own hands with the help of a roller or brush of a maklovitsa, choosing between which, pay attention to the surface itself.
If the surface has a lot of bumps, potholes, elevations and cracks, such as brickwork, then use only a brush, as it will allow you to process all hard-to-reach spots. If you have a plain plastered wall in front of you, then do the work much faster with a roller. Ideally, buy both tools, and combine them as needed.
When applying, do not spare the primer, especially on highly absorbent surfaces. Its amount should be enough for complete impregnation. To prevent the precious compound from pouring on the floor in vain, as the master in the photo above, change the angle of inclination - the bristle should be lower than the handle.
Assortment Knauf soil
In this chapter we list the main types of Knauf primers with a description of their characteristics. Also consider the features of the use of these compounds.
Primer "Tiefengrund"
Knauf "Tiefengrund" - a universal quick-drying primer of deep penetration, which is equally well suited for work outdoors and indoors. It is a colorless alkyd-based water-dispersion composition consisting of particles of resins of artificial origin that are resistant to saponification. The composition contains no solvents or plasticizers.
Primer Tiefengrund Knauf Characteristics:
- Dust binding;
- Deep penetration into surfaces of various types;
- Does not interfere with the passage of steam;
- Does not support burning;
- Consumption per 1 m² - 70-100 ml.
Tiefengrund - scope:
- Priming gypsum surfaces in order to apply a moisture protective layer;
- Preparation of the basis for a seamless floor. Equally suitable for cement-fiber, gypsum and gypsum boards;
- Processing of lime, cement and gypsum plasters before tiling, wallpaper or painting;
- Priming of external walls before painting.
Attention! The air temperature during priming should not be lower than -5 ° C.
Available in containers: 1; 2.5; 5, 10 and 15 liters. The average price for 10 liters is around 650 rubles. To avoid fakes, you can always ask the seller for a primer certificate for the Tiefengrund Knauf primer, which he must provide at the request of the client.
After drying, it forms a durable film that can only be peeled off mechanically. Therefore, wash the instrument thoroughly after use.
Composition "Estrihgrund"
Knauf "Estrihgrund" - a specialized composition for surface preparation for combined seamless floors. Available in containers of 5 - 10 kilograms. The average price per 10 kg is - 1600 - 1800 rubles.It requires storage in closed containers, and only at positive temperature. Shelf life is 12 months.
- Improves surface adhesion
- Seamless floor
Estrihgrund has a rather viscous consistency, so it must be diluted with water. On highly absorbent surfaces, it is applied in two layers: the first is diluted with water 1: 2, and the second 1: 1. Before processing, thoroughly clean the floor from dust, paint and oil. Then apply a primer, avoiding the formation of puddles.
Knauf Estrichgrund - consumption:
- When laying a seamless dry floor, the consumption is 50 g / m²;
- A calcium sulfate floor will require twice as much soil.
The total drying time of the treated surface is 24 hours. However, if the room is well ventilated, the drying time is reduced.
Knauf Concrete Contact
This is a dispersion with polymer additives, resistant to alkalis. It contains pure quartz sand. It is used for processing smooth, low-porosity surfaces with high density. It is applied in order to create improved adhesion to finishing materials. Best suited for compacted concrete surfaces and reinforced concrete.
- Quartz primer for low absorbency surfaces
- Concrete Contact: Certificate
Knauf concrete contact: technical specifications:
- It is applied only for internal works;
- Application with a fur roller or special spray equipment;
- The consistency is thick, the color is pink;
- No breeding required.
However, if you work with less dense surfaces, or use application by machine, it is still worth diluting the primer with water, in the ratio - 1 liter of water per 20 kg of the mixture. Complete hardening time is 24 hours. With increased humidity, the drying time increases.
To prevent dust from entering the surface, subsequent work is carried out immediately after drying concrete contact. Dust helps reduce adhesion.
The average consumption of the mixture is - 200-300 grams per m². During storage, avoid direct sunlight, as well as freezing cans.
The price for a 20 kilogram bucket is 2,000 rubles.
Polymer emulsion Knauf "Grundirmittel"
Knauf Grundirmittel primer is a solvent-free, alkali-resistant dispersion based on polymers. It is recommended to use when processing surfaces with high absorbency, such as: aerated concrete, silicate brick and foam concrete.
Knauf Grundirmittel: technical specifications and scope:
- It is used as a basis for branded plasters (Knauf-start, Rotband, etc.) and the bulk floor of Knauf (Largo, FE-30, FE-50, etc.);
- Great for tiling the surface in combination with branded glue;
- It requires dilution in the ratios: 1: 2 or 1: 5, depending on the absorbing ability of the surface;
- Strengthens the surface of materials;
- Regulates base adhesion.
- Soil consumption is 200-300 ml per m².
After drying, it is removed using a special solvent for artificial resins or mechanically. Available in containers of 15 kg, the average cost of which is 3,000 rubles.
Dispersion "Isogrund"
Knauf "Isogrund" is an emulsion with a silicone base. It is used to treat cement surfaces before coating them with Knauf Dynamite decorative plasters 240 and 260. It is equally suitable for internal and external use.
It gives good adhesion to the surface at a very low material consumption. One bucket with a capacity of 15 kg is enough to process 75 m² of area. The price of such a capacity is also low and, on average, is 800 rubles. The average drying time is 12 hours.
Knauf Putzgrund
It is a synthetic dispersion of white color, with which help prepare the base under decorative plasters. Great for concrete, drywall and gypsum fiber. In the composition of this soil, as well as in concrete contact, there is quartz sand, which, after drying, forms a solid surface for adhesion.
Properties of the composition Knauf Putzgrund:
- Suitable for external and internal work;
- Impervious to moisture;
- Does not interfere with air circulation;
- Aligns the color of the finish;
- The best solution for white plasters.
The primer is completely ready for use - just mix it thoroughly. The full drying time is 6 hours, after which the surface is ready for further finishing.
Material consumption depends on its hygroscopicity. The average value is 200-300 ml per m². It is produced in buckets of 20 kg, the price of which is 800 rubles.
Soil "Haft emulsion"
This dispersion is intended for the treatment of particularly absorbent surfaces. Used as a base before puttying. It is resistant to alkalis and is labeled as a concentrated, high penetration primer.
Fields of application and technical characteristics of the composition:
- The primer goes well with cement, lime and other alkaline materials;
- It is resistant to saponification, alkaline and acid solutions, oils and gasoline;
- Suitable for cement floors, as it gives the base increased wear resistance and dust-repellent properties;
- It is used to improve the composition of plaster and putty;
- Creates a protective layer under bulk cement floors;
- Used in the repair of concrete;
- It is a tool for improving cement-based grouts;
- It can be used as a reinforcing composition for weakly absorbing surfaces.
The primer is packaged in buckets of 5 and 10 kg. The average price for 5 kg is 1000 rubles. Such an emulsion is stored at positive temperature, although short-term storage up to -5 ° C is allowed.
Of course, we did not cover the entire range. Knauf, in addition to the listed compounds, also produces more specialized solutions, for example, instead of Grundermittel for Rotband plaster, the Knauf- deep penetration primer “Rotbandgrud” is used, the composition of which is optimally combined with the above mixture.