Marble fireplace lining: design options
At the moment, the most popular in home improvement is the fireplace mantel with marble. She gives this design nobility and grace.
This design of the room does not leave anyone indifferent.
The content of the article
Marble, its properties and design advantages
Marble is a natural agglomerate, which for many years has been used in interior decoration.
Material Features:
- Previously, columns or handrails for staircases were made from it.
- One could meet him in luxurious the bathrooms and other rooms.
- Also, stoves and fireplaces were faced with marble quite often.
There are several options for performing such material:
- In the form of natural rubble stone.
- In the form of plates.
Material Details:
- Natural rubble stone is designed for laying out structures.
- All work is performed using concrete mortar.
- Marble in the form of plates is used to clad any surface.
- It can be used both externally and internally.
- Facing marble fireplace is precisely plates.
- They can have various shapes and are quite simply mounted on any surface.
- The thickness of such plates is not more than 1 cm.
See photos with marble fireplace.
Technical characteristics of marble:
- Marble (seeFacing with marble and its features) is an environmentally friendly material that does not harm human health.
- It is quite durable and able to withstand heavy loads. For this reason, various decorative metal fixtures can be mounted on the surface of the material.
- The moisture resistance of marble is at a high level. Its structure is so dense that it is not able to absorb moisture.
- It does not burn, which makes it possible to protect marbled surfaces from fire in case of fire.
- Also, it does not affect high temperature conditions. Its structure does not deform from this.
- The life of marble is quite large. It does not have a specific period of use. It all depends on the appearance of the surface and when it becomes unusable and loses its appearance, then you need to replace the finish.
Note. Marble can be natural (natural origin) and artificial.
Its useful to note:
- The price of faux marble is much lower than natural material.
- Natural stone has a rather large mass, which makes it impossible to use it often in decoration.
- This can not be said about artificial marble, since it is light and practical.
- To clean the surface of marble of artificial origin is much easier than natural.
Tip. Natural marble does not withstand chemical influences. Its structure because of this begins to collapse and, as a result, the exterior finish deteriorates.
- Artificial stone also has similar properties.
- Mounting it is much easier than natural.
Note. Fireplace marble may not be used for the entire structure.
Where on the fireplace you can use marble cladding
Decorating the fireplace structure can be performed:
- Inner.
- External.
Tip.Marble facing of fireplaces is performed only outside the structure.
Let's consider in more detail:
- This is due to the fact that the structure of marble to some extent contains pores.
- They are able to absorb soot, which is formed during combustion.
- It will be impossible to clean it from the surface of such a material.
You can trim not only fireplaces. It looks good facing the stove with marble. It can also only be outdoor.
Types of fireplaces and stoves that are marbled
At the moment, there are two types of such structures:
- The real ones.
- Fake.
What are the structures:
- Real fireplaces are quite complex designs.
- They consist of a portal, a furnace and a chimney (seeChimney lining: materials and installation).
- All these components are necessary not only for the normal appearance of the fireplace, but also for its full functioning.
- The finish of this design can only be fireproof material.
- It is especially worth considering this with the inner lining of the furnace.
- False fireplaces are quite simple in construction and can be finished with any modern materials.
- For their arrangement, special screens are used that simulate the burning of firewood.
- These screens are reliably protected by a metal case, which prevents the appearance of fire.
Note. For such false designs, marble lining of fireplaces is often used.
More details:
- This type of fireplaces marble facing them is carried out using ready-made designs of portals.
- They look great in the interior and are quite easy to install.
- These ready-made portals can be made of both natural stone and artificial.
Tip. In order for the facing of marble fireplaces to be successful, it is necessary to install ready-made portals on a special base.
- For work there is a special instruction that is attached from the manufacturer.
- It indicates that initially metal or any other refractory base should be installed on the floor surface.
- It can be bricks or ceramics.
- After that, marks are made on the wall that will allow you to mount the design of the finished portal.
- You can install the portal using special screws or metal mounts. They are mounted on the back of the portal and on the wall.
- The structure is screwed onto the floor with dowels.
- Marble fireplace lining is quick and easy.
- Slots that remain after installation of the structure are sealed with mounting foam or silicone glue.
- After this, it is worth applying plaster, which is processed with sandpaper and then painted or glued.
Tip. Ready-made marble portals should be installed in the room even before finishing work on the wall surface, but with completed floor finishing work.
Fireplace trim with natural marble in the plates
It is worth considering that the mantelpieces made of marble of natural origin have a rather large mass and all work must be done after some preparation.
- It is best to fix the material on the surface of a brick or any other similar material.
- If the draft portal of the fireplace is made of drywall, it is necessary to strengthen the surface.
- For this, a special reinforced plaster mesh is used.
- It is initially attached to the surface of the material using starter plaster or concrete mortar.
- After that, the surface is leveled and marble is attached to it.
For installation of marble plates of natural origin, you will need:
- Mortar of concrete, which is based on cement grade 400 or 500.
- Spatula for applying mortar to the surface of the material (large and small).
- Construction level and plumb for smooth installation of each trim plate.
Tip.Marble for facing fireplaces fastens on a surface closely. In addition, ready-made decorative elements made of marble can be used to decorate the structure. They are installed at the corners and along the outer perimeter of the furnace.
It is not necessary to level the surface for the installation of marble plates, since they are mounted on a concrete mortar, which, with a certain amount, can externally give a smooth surface to the finish. The video shows an example of such work.
Installation of artificial marble on the surface of the fireplace
Artificial marble fireplace mantel has an easier installation method.
More details:
- For work, you do not need to strengthen the surface, since the material is quite light.
- Fasten this type of material on a flat surface.
- If necessary, it can be aligned using several methods.
- This may be the use of gypsum board (if a stone portal with large irregularities). It is mounted on the frame or without it. It all depends on the size of the room in which the structure is located.
- You can also apply plaster or concrete mortar. These products are applied with similar tools (two spatulas) and in the same way.
Marble fireplace lining is carried out using:
- Spatulas.
- Plumb and construction level.
- Sandpaper.
- Glue or concrete mortar.
Note. The principle of operation is similar to the installation of natural marble and the material plates should also be fastened close to each other. This will provide an opportunity to create visual integrity of the structure.
General recommendations
In order for marble fireplaces to be of high quality and last for a long time, you need:
- Choose the right material.
- Installation can only be done based on the recommendations and advice of professionals.
Initially, you will need to draw a design project and calculate the necessary amount of material for it. All the work can be done independently even by specialists in this field.