How to plaster drywall and whether to do it
If you decide to find out how to plaster drywall under wallpaper, for starters, think about it - is it necessary to do this? After all, GKL is just used instead of plaster for leveling walls and ceilings, so why do the work that it was decided to abandon?
The content of the article
Expediency of gypsum plasterboard
GCR - these are flat flat sheets from a gypsum base, enclosed in a paper "cover". If the installation is carried out efficiently, with smooth joints, then aligning the resulting surface does not make sense. Indeed, for this in most cases gypsum plasterboard is used - instead of plaster, which is time consuming and expensive.
As a rule, its processing for finishing consists in sealing joints and applying a layer of putty, which protects the material from moisture and mechanical damage. It dries quickly, without soaking gypsum with moisture from the solution, and has a small weight, while gypsum plasterboard for wallpaper will lead to the opposite result: the swollen gypsum is deformed, and the thick and heavy coating will crack and begin to fall off.
Note. Such a result is most likely when using conventional non-moisture resistant drywall.
However, there are situations where the answer to the question whether plasterboard can be plastered can be yes:
- If there are significant installation flaws - large differences at the joints, dents and chips on the sheets;
- If the surface is badly damaged after dismantling the old decorative coating. For example, when removing wallpaper with a break of paper coating.
But even in these cases, the instruction allows the plastering of only moisture-proof drywall and with the obligatory preliminary treatment of it with a deep penetration primer (see Drywall Primer: How to Do It Right) In addition, the solution should be applied in several stages with as thin layers as possible.
However, this does not guarantee a solution to the problem. If this is the wall in front of you, and you think whether it is necessary to plaster drywall for wallpaper or partially easier, or completely replace the casing, we recommend choosing the second option.
The conclusion is: leveling plaster for drywall is not the best material. It can be used only in exceptional cases and in compliance with several technological requirements. It is best to leave it only to eliminate defects (dents, crooked joints), and remove the surface with putty.
However, there is a special kind that can undoubtedly be used for GKL finishing.
Decorative plaster
So, it is necessary and whether it is possible to plaster gypsum plasterboard with Rothband or other similar composition, we found out. Answer: rather no than yes. But put on it decorative plaster and it is possible and necessary - this is one of the most popular methods of decorating such walls, which will decorate your home and become an excellent protection for drywall.
The fact is that such compositions are applied with a very thin layer, quickly polymerize and dry, not having time to saturate gypsum with water, and create a solid and durable coating on the surface.
Not all types of decorative coatings are easy to do with your own hands, some require special knowledge and skills. But with the application of structural plaster for painting, if desired, anyone can handle it.
How to prepare the surface
Before plastering plasterboard, it is necessary to carry out several mandatory preparatory measures:
- Room cleaning. After installing drywall, a lot of dust is formed, which, settling on the walls, can weaken the adhesion of finishing materials to the surface;
- Dust removal of walls. It is made with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth.
- Primer. Performed by penetrating compounds over the entire surface with special attention to joints and damage.
- Putty joints (see How to putty drywall joints according to technology). This is quite painstaking work, the integrity of the surface in the future, the absence of cracks on it depends on the quality of which. It is described in detail in other articles, we will not repeat. Simultaneously with the joints, the caps of self-tapping screws, small defects are sealed.
- Putty leveling. A layer is applied to eliminate minor defects and create a quality foundation. The video tells in detail how gypsum plasterboard is done with your own hands.
- Primer. A mandatory step necessary to strengthen the base and increase adhesion to the plaster mix. It is carried out after the final drying of the putty.
Tip. We recommend using a deep penetration acrylate primer that has vapor-permeable properties and does not impede the movement of water vapor, but creates protection against the penetration of moisture from the solution into drywall.
How to plaster
Structural decorative plasterboard gypsum board has a granular structure due to the addition of mineral granules of different sizes. It does not require a perfectly flat surface for application, so the putty layer before the primer does not have to be sanded. But the surface should be dry and clean, so it is best to start work immediately after the primer has dried, until dust has settled on it.
The mixture is applied to the walls with a spatula or trowel with a thin layer and immediately leveled with a grater in direct or circular movements. The texture pattern created by rolling the granules in the thickness of the solution depends on the direction of these movements.
Tip. Practice drawing on a piece of drywall to select the desired pattern and fill your hand.
And a few more recommendations:
- It is better to use gypsum-based material (see Which plaster is better - gypsum or cement: characteristics of building mixtures) It is most compatible with this material, and its price is attractive.
- Gypsum mixtures after cooking set within 30-40 minutes, so you need to work quickly, and prepare the solution in small portions.
- You can use the finished polymer plaster. It has a longer viability, but costs a lot more.
- The finished coating hardens in a couple of hours, but it does not gain final strength after only a few days. Then you can start staining.
We hope we answered the question of whether it is possible to apply decorative plaster on drywall, and how to plaster drywall correctly. We advise you to make test colors, as the color immediately after application and after drying may vary.
The video in this article will be a visual aid to it and will allow you to better understand all the nuances.