Plaster front Bolars: features of use

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Photo of mineral plaster
Photo of mineral plaster

Plaster front "Bolars" is used for work both outside and indoors. Bolars has been manufacturing construction materials since 1999. It was 17 years ago that the first product under this brand came out. Today, Bolars is a popular and well-known leader in the sale of plaster.

What is the advantage of this brand

The production itself takes place using new modern technologies. Properly organized management is combined with plans to “build” long-term cooperation. Product quality at the highest level.

The company works thanks to the developed infrastructure, namely:

  • Plant.
  • Several science labswho are engaged in quality control of the initial raw materials and final products.
  • Departmentsengaged in statistical tests.
  • A wide network of warehouses and representatives throughout the Russian Federation, and in neighboring countries.

All the mentioned laboratories have passed the necessary certification, and the plant operates on technologies that allow automatic control of the entire production. The main idea of ​​the company is to produce the best quality products while maintaining low prices. Quality meets all international standards.

What is facade plaster "Bolars"

Facade plaster Bolars - a mixture that has the property of weather resistance, frost resistance and water resistance.
Facade plaster Bolars - a mixture that has the property of weather resistance, frost resistance and water resistance.

Created on a sand-cement basis, using high-quality European polymer elements.

The advantages include:

  • No shrinkage and the formation of a flat surface.
  • The manufacturers included modifiersthat prevent cracking of the coating, waterproof additives that provide a long and pleasant period of operation.
  • The mixture is applied with a layer of 2 mm to 2 cm.

Where do we use

Plaster front bolars of 25 kg is used to qualitatively trim the exterior facades of houses, as well as the interior walls of rooms with a normal level of humidity.

Lay well on the following surfaces:

DIY cooking instruction

How to make a mixture
How to make a mixture


  • In 1 kilogram of dry plaster add 0.2 liters of plain water.
  • If you open the bag, you need 5 liters of water.
  • You need to fall asleep gradually, stirring.

Note. This can be done, in the usual way, manually, or you can use mechanical devices, for example, a drill with a nozzle. As a result, a homogeneous, pasty mass should come out.

  • Leave to stand for 5 minutes and mix everything again.

The solution must be used within 5 hours, longer it is not suitable.

We prepare the surface and apply

Prepare the surface
Prepare the surface

Before you start surface treatment, you need to check if it:

  • Solid.
  • Cleaned of old paint.
  • Cleared of dust.
  • Cleared of grease and oil.

Work Stages:

  • Walls or a facade must be treated with a high-quality primer (see Facade primer - its types and application), preferably the same company as the plaster.
  • Plaster is recommended to be applied to the prepared wall with a layer thickness of 2 mm to 2 cm.
  • Align the applied mixture with the rule or with a spatula. The video in this article will tell you more about application.
  • It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the room in which the repair takes place.

Note. The temperature should not drop below +5 ° C and above +30 ° C. The layer dries out and dries in a day.

  • The mixture receives its strength after 3-4 days.
  • You can apply in two layers, so that in general the layer comes out with a thickness of 3 centimeters. But between each application should pass at least a day.

Important! Before applying the second layer of plaster, you need to coat the surface a second time with a primer.

The approximate consumption is 1.4-1.5 kg / m2, if the thickness of the laid layer is 1 centimeter. A bag of 25 kilograms is enough for 20 square meters, with the same thickness.

Precautionary measures

What precautions are needed
What precautions are needed


  • Self-preparation of the solution is necessary only with gloves.
  • Work with the mixture carefully so that it does not get into the eyes in any way.
  • If it happens that the plaster gets into your eyes, immediately rinse with plenty of clean water.
  • If the pain persists, consult a doctor.

Keep the plaster so that the children do not come into contact with it, the room should be fresh and dry.

Packaging and storage

The mixture goes to stores and warehouses in special bags, 25 kilograms each. There is a guarantee for storage.

If you observe the following rules:

  • The integrity of the packaging.
  • Storage in a dry place.

Then the buyer will receive a guarantee - a year from the production date indicated on the check.

Characteristics of the Bolars plaster:

Dries out (how long)1 day
Mixture density2 g / cm3
The required amount of water (per 1 kg)0.2-0.3 liters / kg
Final layer thickness1-20 mm
AdhesionNot less than 4 kg
Temperature limit of useFrom +5 to +30
Temperature limitsFrom -40 to +60
Frost resistanceMore than 50 cycles
The period that the plaster is suitable for useMore than 3 hours
Consumption14 kg / m2

Types of decorative plaster Bolars: what do you need

Decorative plaster on acrylic. This is the best choice if the surface with which you are working should be in contact with water.
Decorative plaster on acrylic. This is the best choice if the surface with which you are working should be in contact with water.

The main element of its content is acrylic resin. It is she who makes the surface on which she was used decorative bark beetle plaster White Bolars are waterproof, elastic, and undeformed.

Tip. This type is best chosen if you intend to make repairs in the bathroom, or plaster the facade of the building.

Decorative plasters on silicone. It has the same features as acrylic:

  • Adequately perceives humidity.
  • It does not deteriorate after mechanical stress.
  • It does not lose its qualities and capabilities under extreme temperature changes.
  • Does not change its appearance under the influence of the sun.
  • It retains all its abilities throughout the entire period of operation.

This type of plaster is very popular and appreciated by the masters. Diverse structure silicone plaster does not limit the original design solutions for repairs.

Variants of plaster Bolars

Plaster "Bolars" white gypsum - a high-quality mixture of white.

It is made with the use of effective polymer elements. It is used for internal processing of rooms in which the normal level of humidity.

Gypsum plaster "Bolars" white has a reduced density and at times reduces the load on the building itself. With proper use of plaster as a result, you can get an ideal, mirror-like surface that does not require additional putty. Plaster is applied with a layer of 2 millimeters, up to 3 centimeters.

Decorative plaster Bark beetle - ready-made, not requiring dilution plaster.
Decorative plaster Bark beetle - ready-made, not requiring dilution plaster.

At the heart of its composition:

  • Natural marble chips.
  • European polymer elements.
  • Special fabrics that strengthen the coating.
  • The copolymer is acrylic.


  • Plaster decorative bark beetle Bolars does not deteriorate from frost and pressure drops.
  • Stucco decorative white bark beetle allows you to get a high level of whiteness, type of coating "bark beetle".
  • It does not become cracked with age and, thanks to its marble and waterproof additives, have been used for a long time and without any problems. Coating thickness up to 4 millimeters.

Plaster bark beetle is more expensive than usual coating, but the price corresponds to the quality.

Thermal insulation plaster Bolars

It is used to qualitatively insulate facades, internal parts of rooms, floors of private houses and coolants.
It is used to qualitatively insulate facades, internal parts of rooms, floors of private houses and coolants.

It can be used both in interior decoration and in exterior. It is best to go to:

  • Flat mineral materials, namely concrete.
  • Gypsum and other plasters.
  • On drywall surfaces.

Lime - cement plaster Bolars

It is used to conveniently and efficiently align mineral substrates with various thermal insulation functions.
It is used to conveniently and efficiently align mineral substrates with various thermal insulation functions.


  • When repairing buildings.
  • For the restoration of architectural monuments.
  • For construction.


  • It is well used both externally and indoor; it also does not lose its functions in houses with a high level of humidity.
  • It has the property of vapor permeability, this allows the walls to let air through, the room remains fresh all the time and the fungus does not develop.

It is applied both machine and manual.

Advantages of the Bolars plaster

The main advantages of the mixture
The main advantages of the mixture

There are many different types of decoration for your home, but Bolars stucco has a number of advantages that speak for themselves:

  • The main factor that makes this plaster popular is its low price. It is suitable for every person and does not cause severe harm to the financial situation during the construction of his house or apartment renovation.
  • The external beauty of the finish result. Stucco comes in a variety of color shades. The assortment range allows you to satisfy all taste preferences.
  • It does not deteriorate from exposure to water. If you decorate the facade of the house with Bolars plaster, this will protect the building from the destructive capabilities of water, as well as insulate it.
  • Resists destruction in an aggressive environment. It does not change its appearance and retains its basic functions in the cold, does not lend itself to corrosion.
  • Convenient, comfortable and easy to use. To get the desired result you only need a tool and the ability to work with dry plaster mixes.

Many textured options, photos of which can be seen on the site.


Bolars gypsum white plaster or Bolars bark beetle white decorative plaster should be selected depending on the desired functionality and type of surface.

Also, if the packing of 25 kilograms is big for you, then decorative bolars plaster 5 kg is ideal. Of course, it's up to you to decide, but Bolars is the best assistant on every construction site.

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