Bath decoration
Video clips about the interior decoration of the bath help the owner to beautifully arrange a place of rest and recreation for family and friends. And also competently perform the insulation and waterproofing of the bath, extend the life of the structure, protect visitors from burns and increase the therapeutic effect of the complex of bath procedures.
Hygiene and non-toxicity, of course, are important in the decoration of the apartment, but in the case of the bathhouse, these indicators are in the first place. The undisputed leader among the possible materials was and remains wood - a safe, useful coating. The unique bath smell is created by moist wood, which gives moisture as easily as it absorbs. Only the floor is recommended to be made concrete or tiled, and on top lay removable wooden grilles.
Maple and poplar, oak and pine, ash and hornbeam are suitable - they are chosen according to the desired shade, the expected effect of visiting the bath and the cost, of course. Putting your own bathhouse is not an expensive pleasure, but doing the work yourself, there is a chance to save a lot. The most important components of the bath are the steam room and the relaxation room, so the decoration of these rooms raises the most questions. Together we will look for answers to them in the proposed video clips.
The content of the article
Bath Finishing Options
Finishing a log bath
How and what to finish the steam room
Video instruction will simplify the decoration of the steam room in the bath, even for experienced craftsmen. And beginner builders will tell you where to start. The steam room is finished only with hardwood. The fungus will not develop on them with proper care and periodic ventilation, tar will not stand out, the boards will not heat up and will not burn.
Alder, linden, birch and aspen lining are popular. For lovers of exotic sellers will offer boards made of African Abash wood. We recommend that you study the advantages of each breed before choosing.
Finishing the bath from logs
Blockhouse decoration for the bath
Lounge for the bath: how to finish
You have already watched the video about the decoration in the steam room - the first most important room in the bathhouse. Now it's the turn of the trim video restroom baths, the second key location.
In the rest room there are no high temperatures, as in the steam room, so the use of coniferous wood is permissible. The pine is reliable and affordable in price, the fir-tree is knotter and not so resinous, the fir-tree lining is more difficult to process. But if the owners prefer hardwood finishes in all rooms, then a respectable durable oak is suitable for the rest room.
The bathhouse occupies a special place in the Russian tradition, Russian folklore and the Russian soul. Therefore, many owners would like to have their own bathhouse, but not everyone decides on independent construction. Indeed, only observing the complex of technological nuances will make the bathhouse the very place where it will be nice to spend time with relatives, where guests are invited, where they relax and recharge with energy.
The subtleties of the correct choice of material, the competent organization of installation work relate to both external and internal decoration. It is important to combine the requirements of practicality and reliability with a thoughtful design plan, so that the result is pleasing to the eye. We hope that the proposed videos will help you finish the bath from the inside with your own hands without problems and unnecessary costs.