How and with what to paint the OSB inside the house and whether it is possible to stick wallpaper on the OSB
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Instruction manual
OSB boards can be subjected to various kinds of finishes, bearing in mind that 90% of this material consists of natural wood, so all the rules applicable to wood processing apply to it. As you know, it swells under the influence of water or high humidity, and it is this property that imposes some restrictions on the types of finishes and the use of materials used for it.
Tip. Labels labeled best with moisture OSB. They should be purchased for the installation of structures, which are subsequently planned to be painted or glued.
Now more about these finishing methods.
From the foregoing, it is clear that for painting OSB, oil paint, which does not contain water, is better than others. Its surface can be processed without any preliminary preparation.
If a water-based emulsion or other water-based paint is to be used, the plate may slightly, but increase due to swelling. If only one side is painted, the result may be bending of the panel.
To avoid this, we recommend the following algorithm of actions:
- Before painting, it is necessary to seal the edges of the plates, since due to the high porosity they absorb a lot of moisture. The sealant must be solvent based;
- Further, the surface is covered with a primer and left to dry completely;
- Staining itself should be done in thin layers in several stages until the desired surface is obtained. Each layer before applying the next must be thoroughly dried;
- It is advisable to paint plates on both sides.
Water-based wallpaper glue will also lead to swelling of the plates, as a result of which the glued wallpaper can peel off the surface. This can also be prevented by completing preparatory activities, which include:
- Primer of the surface and its drying;
- Processing with dispersion putty based on synthetic resins and drying again (at least 12 hours);
- Sticking on the treated surface of an elastic reinforcing material (non-woven).
A wall treated in this way can be painted, wallpapered, and trimmed with decorative plaster. In this case, the decorative coating will hold and look excellent.