What paint to paint interior doors?
Good afternoon, please tell me which paint is better to paint the interior doors, so that without a strong smell and to give a shine? Thanks in advance
Speaking about what kind of paint can be used to paint interior doors, there are three classic options - nitro-paint, alkyd and acrylic enamels. In the case when the priority is the absence of smell, the first two automatically disappear, because the smell in the room will stand sharp and will not disappear immediately.
The third option remains - acrylic based enamel. Quick-drying paint for interior doors without a smell - almost completely meets the request. The only difference is that the surface is matte. The enamel layer on top is covered with acrylic varnish, which gives the required gloss.
It should only be considered that this is the most expensive option. Firstly, enamel on an acrylic base is more expensive than nitro-paint and alkyd enamel. Secondly, varnish is an additional purchase, which still increases the estimate. Choosing a paint for painting interior doors, you will have to consider this factor. Indeed, in addition to paint and varnish, you will also need a primer, putty and a set of tools - a roller, different-sized brushes, and a container.
A simple way to save money and at the same time not to breathe toxic fumes and not to suffer from an unpleasant smell is to remove the doors and paint them on the street, leaving them to dry. But if this is not possible, odorless paint for interior doors, although it will cost more, will provide family members with comfort during painting work. In a home with children, this is especially important.
Be careful when painting, carefully remove the old coating from the door, clean the canvas with coarse-grained emery paper so that a new coat of paint lies evenly. And in order not to stain the fittings - hinges, door handles and keyholes (if any) - seal them with masking tape first. Covering the floor around the door from stains will help to cover newspapers or plastic wrap, fixed with the same tape.