Tiling the porch: types of material and installation

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

How to clad porch
How to clad porch

How to trim the porch?
The material for this should be very practical. For this reason, porch lining has become in demand.

What types of tiles can be used for facing the porch

At the moment, there are three types of tiles that are widely used for facing the porch.

  • Ceramic.
  • Porcelain.
  • Sidewalk.

Note. Ceramic and porcelain stoneware are similar in their properties and characteristics, but sidewalks differ both in the method of manufacture and in the raw material itself.

Porcelain stoneware tile

Ceramic tile installation technology, photo
Ceramic tile installation technology, photo

This type of porch tile is quite popular. Only it is worth choosing the right surface of the material so that in winter it is not too slippery.
Sizes of ceramic tiles can be:

  • 10x10 cm.
  • 20x30 cm.
  • 30x30 cm.
  • 60x30 cm.

Note. These sizes are most often used in exterior decorating.

The surface is found:

  • Polished.
  • Semi-polished.
  • Matt
  • Glossy.
  • Structural.
  • Embossed.
  • Grungy.

Tip. For facing the porch, it is worth using ceramic tile, which has a rough surface, since it does not slip and is free of snow.

The advantages of ceramic tiles

Firstly, ceramic tiles are quite simply mounted on any prepared surface. Secondly, its price is low, and quality and practicality are high.

  • It is also worth considering that this type of material is moisture resistant. This indicator for outdoor works plays a big role, since the surface of ceramic tiles will be constantly affected by climatic and weather conditions, especially in autumn and winter.
  • Ceramic tiles are made of clay and are pressed and fired under high temperatures during the manufacturing process.
    Due to this, the material is able to withstand quite significant mechanical and physical loads. The strength of ceramics is very high.
  • Due to the fact that clay is not exposed to direct fire, ceramic tile also does not burn and does not deform under the influence of high temperatures.
  • Such a property as frost resistance makes it possible to use the tile in any outdoor finishing work.

Tip. Facing with porch tiles should be of a certain thickness and, as a rule, there are certain types of tiles for flooring and outdoor flooring.

The life of the material is at least 15-20 years. During this time, with proper care, the appearance of ceramic tiles does not change and does not deform.
Since the surface is reliably protected by a special tool, it does not wear and does not lose its properties.

Ceramic tile installation on the porch

Installation Steps
Installation Steps

Most importantly, it is a flat surface and everything can be done with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists. This is due to the fact that the ceramic tile itself has a flat back side, due to which it is mounted on the surface.
To level the surface of the porch, it will be enough to use a solution of concrete, which is prepared from:

  • Water.
  • Sand.
  • Cement.

Solution preparation:

  • The amount of an ingredient depends on the desired strength of the solution. Typically, the standard proportion is at least 1 bucket of cement in relation to 3 buckets of sand. Water is added at will.
  • Initially, it will be necessary to make a quality porch itself and, if necessary, steps. Only after the concrete mortar has completely dried, can we proceed to the installation of ceramic tiles.

For such work you will need:

  • Concrete mortar or special adhesive for the installation of ceramic tiles for outdoor use.
  • Spatula for applying mortar.
  • Building level for a smooth masonry finish.
  • Cross shaped beacons for an even distance between each finishing element.
  • Tile cutter.
  • Tape measure, ruler and pencil.

Stages of work:

  • You can use another method of mounting the material using screws and screws that are screwed through the surface of the ceramic tile. But this method is not recommended by the master, since it significantly spoils the appearance tiling.

Tip. In order to create an original design on the porch, it is not necessary to use only one tone of ceramic tile. You can apply a colored mosaic or lay out a panel of tiles yourself.

  • How to tile the porch? It is necessary to impose the solution on the back side of the ceramic tile, and on the porch surface.
  • Only in this case, the layer of the solution should not be too large so that in the future the tiling of the steps of the porch is even.

After mounting each element, cruciform beacons are inserted. After complete installation, they are pulled out or trimmed with a simple clerical knife.
Then the seams are processed with a decorative coating of the desired shade.

Porcelain stoneware tile

Porcelain finish example
Porcelain finish example

Porcelain stoneware tiles are used quite often. All this happens for the reason that it has excellent properties and characteristics.
Mounting porcelain tiles is quite simple, its surface can be:

  • Flat.
  • Grungy.
  • Glazed.
  • Structural.
  • Embossed.
  • Glossy.

It is not recommended to use glazed or glossy porcelain tiles to decorate the porch, as they are not able to withstand weather events in the winter and snow will constantly freeze on them. From this their surface becomes very slippery.


  • The sizes of porcelain tiles can reach 90x90 cm. As a rule, facing tile 60x30 cm or 30x30 cm are used on the porcelain stoneware porch. It is much easier to work with such dimensions.
  • The surface has quite a variety of simulations. There are brickwork, stone, various patterns and ornaments. All this makes it possible to originally decorate the porch.

The properties include:

  • Practicality and moisture resistance.
  • Durability and reliability.
  • Fire resistance and frost resistance.
  • Wear resistance and resistance to various temperature conditions.

Its cost compared to simple ceramic tiles is slightly higher, but its properties are much better. You can clean the surface with any cleaning or detergent.

Tip. In winter, when a rather large amount of snow will be collected on the surface of the tile, you should not get rid of it using a variety of chemicals, since they destroy the protective layer of the ceramic granite and thereby deform its structure.

Installation of porcelain tile

All installation work on this material is very similar to fixing ceramic tiles.
For work you will need:

  • Construction level and tape measure.
  • Tile cutter.
  • A spatula and a container for mixing the solution.
  • The concrete mortar itself.
  • Cruciform lighthouses.
  • Decorative putty.

You can use special glue for porcelain tile, which is sold in the form of a powder and in order to give it a glue consistency, you need to add a certain amount of liquid. On the packaging of such a product there is an instruction according to which such actions are performed.
Watch the progress video porcelain stoneware.

Paving slabs

Porch trim
Porch trim

Paving slabs for facing the porch are becoming more and more popular every year. It has excellent properties, which are mainly not inherent in ceramic or granite tiles.

  • It is made from cement mortar with the addition of a variety of hardeners and coloring pigments. From this, the colors of the tiles have a wide variety.
  • Facing the porch with paving slabs can have a flat surface or with a specific pattern. For this, during the manufacturing process, the cement mortar in the molds for drying is stamped.

Tip. Since this type of material is produced only in certain batches, when buying it, it is worth considering the marriage or other waste.
As a result, the number of tiles may not be enough, and from another party it will have a completely different shade. For this reason, it is necessary to purchase it with a small margin.

  • Paving slabs are not exposed to weather or climate changes and are quite practical. It also resists the direct effects of fire and moisture.
    Such material cannot be called durable, since over time the top layer can be destroyed by excessive salt sprinkling of paving slabs with winter time.
  • It is not necessary to constantly clean it, since it does not absorb dust and dirt. Also, it does not require careful care. But when installing it, it is worth considering that the thickness of the tile itself can reach 4-5 cm, and in some cases after installing it on the porch it will be impossible to open the door.

Tip. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to think over the method of facing the porch in advance.

Installation of paving slabs

Facing the paving slabs of the porch is characterized by simple and quick technology.
To do this, use:

  • Sand.
  • Cement.
  • Water.
  • Rubber mallet.
  • Building level.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Roulette.


  • Initially, a small layer of sand is poured onto the surface.
  • The first row of paving slabs is laid on it, each element of which is tapped with a rubber hammer (as if pressed).
  • Then all the remaining rows are laid out in a similar way.
  • After that, everything is again covered with sand from above, which is mixed with cement in dry form.

Tip. There is special equipment for ramming paving slabs, but if it is not there, then all work is carried out with a rubber hammer.

Then the lining is poured with water and left for a certain time. As a rule, it is not less than a day.
During this period, sand, water and cement form a cement mortar, which will securely fix paving slabs to the surface.

Visitors Comments
  1. Dmitry

    Tile or clinker should be laid only on a good solid base and on special glue. In the best cases, it will last 5 years, then it will begin to crumble. The most durable is the L-shaped lining on the steps. L-shaped lining (S3.ru) can be put on almost any base because they have reliance on the riser. Serve over 10 years

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