How to paint the door: select the option

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

How to paint a pine door
How to paint a pine door

How to paint the door yourself thinks a lot of owners with the start of repair. Lead the price of painting will not be small if you invite experts. But all this can be done independently and beautifully.

And how to paint with a varnish a door or other dyes we will tell today. On the video in this article and photo you can see the various options for doing the work and select the option you need.

How to paint interior doors and how to cover them

For painting wood, you can choose almost any paint material you like (see What paint is better to paint a tree: we make a choice), since the structure of the tree has the ability to absorb absolutely all the coloring elements. Therefore, you can absolutely safely buy, for example, enamel or oil-based paint, and not worry that it will not lie down or quickly begin to peel.

You immediately need to choose the desired style, you can make a room in the style of Provence or any other. It is only important to determine the direction.

Attention: But when choosing paint it is worth paying attention to the fact that for interior doors it is extremely undesirable to choose water-based paints. A door that has been painted with such paint will very quickly lose its original appearance, since this type of paint is extremely unstable to water and is more prone to abrasion.

Therefore, it is most advisable to give preference acrylic paint. Although when using it, you will also have to spend money on acrylic varnish for protection, but the paint is more stable, which means it will last much longer.

Today, there is a fairly wide selection of paint materials that have different prices, quality, so any buyer can choose the right one.

Consider the most suitable options:

Nitro enamelIt is very popular among buyers due to its durability and resistance to adverse external influences. And if you paint it white, you can be sure that it will not fade.
  • In order to achieve maximum durability, after drying the paint, cover it with a layer of varnish.
  • Perhaps the only negative of this paint is its pungent and toxic smell. Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance to ensure that the room is ventilated if painting work is carried out not in the street, but in the apartment.
Alkyd enamelIt occupies an honorable second place in popularity, since it has a more affordable price compared to nitro enamel. But, despite the low cost, low-quality paint can not be called.
  • It is in no way inferior to nitro enamel, and some performance characteristics of alkyd enamel even surpass it.
  • Quite tangible disadvantages are its drying time and the need for additional protection in the form of varnish.
Acrylic enamelIt belongs to the middle price category and is one of the most persistent paints. In addition, it refers to eco-colors and does not have a pungent odor, unlike the others. But it is worth noting that, despite good stability indicators, paint without additional coating will not last long.
Colored varnishes for woodThe latest paint materials designed to not only preserve the primary structure of the tree, but also give it an unusual shade. And if you are thinking how to paint varnished doors, then you have chosen the right direction.
  • The choice of the buyer presented a variety of colors, ranging from calm and discreet to bright and attracting attention. They are great for painting door leaf made using natural wood.
  • However, if it is necessary to paint the interior structures of particleboard, MDF (see How is MDF painted with your own hands?), then it is worth using nitro enamels.
  • The disadvantage of the material is that they have an unpleasant odor, weathering for a long time.


Of course, the final choice always remains with the owner of the product. But it is worth remembering that it is imperative to take into account what type of material the door is made of, as well as in what condition it is. After all, if there are cracks on the door leaf, then even under a layer of colored varnish they will be visible.

Preparatory phase before painting

Any work on coloring begins precisely with the preparatory phase of the work. You can not apply paint to an unprepared surface in advance, and hope for an excellent result.

This is fraught with the fact that immediately after staining, all the flaws and imperfections of the work done will begin to be visible, the paint will look like old, although only a couple of hours have passed from the time of its application.

Therefore, be sure to make sure that:

  • The door leaf was cleaned from the old coating - extremely rarely, someone bothers with the complete removal of the old paint layer (see How to remove paint from a tree: do it by the rules) Most often, defects such as paint stains are simply removed. The old gloss is also removed in order to increase the adhesion of the new paint material with the old coating.
  • The door was completely cleaned from accumulations of dust and dirt. - but it is worth remembering that the door leaf does not just need to be washed, but also apply a special degreasing agent to it.
  • Putty was made (see Hard putty on wood: how to do it wisely), which will hide the defects - in order to achieve maximum results, use a special composition. You can create it yourself. To do this, you need to take wood dust, chalk and ordinary PVA glue, and mix everything to a thick paste. With the help of such a simple composition you will get a full-fledged putty, which is sold in stores, but costs an order of magnitude more expensive than a home-made one.
  • The door leaf, which has passed the puttying step, must be subjected to another cleaning and degreasing - This is a necessary condition, since after the putty there remains a sufficiently large amount of dirt and dust, therefore, such a door cannot be covered with paint material immediately.

After all the processes described above are completed, the door leaf will be suitable for painting. All cleaning steps are quite simple and do not require special skill, you just need to be patient and carefully follow all the instructions.

This is especially true for cleaning from dirt and degreasing, because not only the appearance of the product, but also its service life depends on it. If you make poor-quality degreasing, the paint will not fix well, which means that the exfoliation process will soon begin and there will be a need for new paintwork.

How to paint interior doors beautifully

Painting interior doors
Painting interior doors

There are 3 methods of painting. The difference between the methods is which tool will be used. It can be brushes, rollers or spray guns. Each method has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Carrying out paint work with brushesThis method is often used because it does not require any extra equipment costs.
  • But when using a brush, you need to be prepared for the fact that to work with this tool you need skill and certain skills. It is extremely difficult to apply paint evenly with a brush and not leave any residue.
  • Very often, the pile from the brush remains on the surface to be painted, and because of this, streaks form.
  • In addition, choosing a brush in the tools at hand, you should not wear a thin and uniform layer of paint.

Attention: Therefore, this tool is suitable only for clumsy work. And if you are thinking how to paint veneered doors, then this option will not work.

Paint the door with a rollerThis method is more effective, since with the help of a roller it is possible to roll out the paint evenly and thinly. But in order to do this, you need to seriously approach the choice of roller.
  • It is not recommended to use a foam roller, because it is subject to the destructive effect of nitro enamels, and from contact with acrylic enamel it forms bubbles on the surface. Therefore, the work performed using a foam roller will look very unsightly and messy.
  • It is best to use a roller made of fur, it will ensure uniform distribution of a thin layer of paint without bubbles.
Spray paintingThe best method, but in order to use it, a sprayer and compressor must be available. The price of the tool is quite high, besides it is extremely undesirable to use it in a living room. This is more suitable for an industrial or production option. Or if you are thinking how to paint a varnished door, this option will be most acceptable.

Based on the above, the best option would be to purchase a fur roller. With its help, you can create a favorable view of the door leaf and at the same time you will not need significant additional costs. The option with a brush can be used only if the cheapest way is needed, and the appearance does not play any role (these can be doors in the country house or in the barn).

How to paint a steel door so that it looks like a wooden

Now consider how to paint a steel door. After all, this design is quite common. Indeed, an increasing number of buyers prefer metal door structures.

It is not surprising, because such paintings are durable and relatively low price. But their significant drawback is the appearance.

How to paint a steel door
How to paint a steel door

However, there is one way in which you no longer have to choose between aesthetic appearance and reliability. After all, you can get a reliable design with a beautiful design, thanks to such a method as painting a metal door under a tree. Painting is carried out in several stages.

The first stage - Preparatory work

To achieve the most successful implementation of the idea, it is necessary to start preparing the door leaf and the area in which the work will be carried out.

  • First you need to make sure that the floor is covered with protective materials. Thus, you do not allow floor contamination with paint materials.
  • Next, you should move the previously removed door to the prepared place and conduct an initial cleaning. Use any soapy solution and do a wet sweep.
  • Then it is necessary to dry the door well and remove the existing fittings.

Attention: If the removal of accessories causes difficulties, then you can just stick it on and thereby reliably protect it from paint.

The second stage - Perform basic painting of the door leaf

Steel has a very smooth surface and contains natural oil, so painting steel doors is a rather complicated task. In order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the door leaf before applying the paint.

If cleaning is completed, basic painting can begin. By this concept is meant the coloring of the door leaf in yellow.

Stage Three - Adding Etched Wood

Before proceeding to step 3, make sure that the base paint is completely dry and ready for further staining:

  • Now we need half a cup of basic paint and 1/8 cup of water. All this is mixed well until a homogeneous consistency. After that, add 1 tablespoon to the mixture. burnt ocher and mix again. But do not rush to apply the mixture, first test it.
  • To do this, apply a small amount of the resulting change to a small area of ​​the door leaf and wait for it to dry. Thus, you can pre-evaluate the color and change it if you wish.
  • In order to achieve a darker color, you just need to add a little more solution. A door painted in this way will look like it is made of mahogany.
  • After you get a satisfactory color, you can start painting the entire product. Apply the paint with dragging brush strokes, and start from the top. This will make it possible to correct defects, in the form of smudges, if any.

Improving the appearance of the door with trim

After the painted door is completely dry, it will be possible to return it to its place and install accessories if you removed it, but did not close it. But there are times when you need a separate painting for door hinges.

Attention: Most often it is necessary in order to update and improve the appearance of the input structure without significant financial costs.

Although the loops themselves are small parts, they play an important functional role. Moreover, externally they can both improve the overall impression of the design of the front door and worsen it.

Therefore, in order to visually expand the door and add brightness to it, it will not be superfluous to take care of painting the hinges. This does not require much professionalism, so the work can be done independently without involving outside workers. Time costs are also insignificant, but the result will pay off all efforts.

In order to paint the door hinges, you need to perform 4 simple steps:

Step oneNaturally, you cannot paint when the door leaf hangs on the hinges, so you should remove the door in advance and lay it so that it does not become an obstacle to movement around the room. After this, you should do the cleaning of the loops with a soap solution. Prepare in advance not only the solution, but also the container in which you will wash the loop. In it, they will need to be left for one or two hours.
Second stepAfter the specified time has passed, pull out the loops. It is highly undesirable to do this with bare hands, it is best if you are wearing gloves, then you will not damage the skin of your hands. Then use abrasive material and wipe the surface of the loops with it. Thus, you remove rust and plaque. After this, do not forget to wipe the loops dry and dry them well.
Step threeBefore spraying the paint on the hinges, make sure that the room in which you are working is well ventilated. After good ventilation is ensured, proceed directly to the painting. To do this, keep the paint cylinder at a distance of about 8 cm from the hinges and do not touch their surface until completely dry, so as not to leave unwanted marks.
Fourth stepMake sure that the door hinges are completely dry and only then install the door structure on the hinges. Be sure to check whether the installation was performed correctly. The door should open and close freely.

Thanks to these simple steps, you will become the owner of a door with a beautiful design that mimics a tree. Now you know how to paint the door frame and how to paint the old doors, the main thing in this matter is not to rush and use only high-quality materials that will ensure durability. The instruction will help you not to make mistakes.

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