How to paint floors: description, advantages and disadvantages of the process
Everyone who knows how to paint should know how to paint floors properly. This process, despite the visual simplicity, has a lot of features and nuances that cannot be overlooked. Following the exact technology will allow you to simplify and facilitate this process as much as possible.
For a more detailed acquaintance, and as a supplement to the manual available in the article, we also offer to familiarize yourself with the photos presented. In them you can find both the process of painting the flooring and the finished result.
The content of the article
Pros and cons of this coverage
Today, there are a large number of options and materials that can be used as the basis for flooring (laminate, parquet, tile (seeCeramic flooring - the right veneer), linoleum, boards). However, the use of boards requires additional surface preparation, and the use of paint.
With the pros and cons of this method, you can find in the following table:
Benefits | disadvantages |
This coating is extremely resistant to moisture. Which extends the durability and possibilities of using such an option. | The paint does not have sufficiently good thermal conductivity. Walking barefoot on the painted floor is not very comfortable. |
Creation of a thin protective film with a paint composition on the surface of the floor covering. This allows you to protect the floor from various influences. | Low wear resistance. The paintwork will not last very long, and after some time it will need to be updated. |
The possibility of easy care. If necessary, you can carry out dry or wet cleaning. | The most low-cost coloring compounds dry for a long time. The period of complete drying in some cases can be from 2 to 8 days. |
A simple application method that does not require professional skills. Painting takes a little time. | The coating visually looks quite simple, and does not create a good aesthetic effect in the interior. |
The price of paint is one of the most budgetary. This type of finish is available to everyone, and therefore is very popular. |
Tip: in order to make the floor painted look more stylish and rich, it is recommended to pay special attention to the decoration of the walls, ceiling, as well as the general design and design of the room.
- Original and bright flooring
- Giving the surface of the old floor originality: using DIY cardboard stencils
- The combination of walls and flooring in color
You can familiarize yourself with the features and varieties of paints in more detail by watching the video presented in this article.
Technology and basic rules for floor painting
Before preparing the floor for painting, you will need to become more familiar with the following technology for carrying out these works:
- In the preparatory phase, you may need to completely get rid of the old flooring. But most often, it is enough to remove the old paint with cycles or a grinding machine.
- If there are various stains and dirt on the surface, use special alcohol-based cleaners;
- If wax formulations were previously used (for example: parquet was rubbed), they must also be completely removed. To do this, use simple baking soda, which must be diluted with water. The proportion is 7 liters of water per 1 cup of soda. After applying the solution, clean the floor using a brush with a hard pile;
- If the floor has various protruding knots on its surface, remove them with a chisel. At the same time, the fastening caps should be recessed by 1-3 mm, then puttied (seeDo-it-yourself putty on the wooden floor in stages);
- Before painting the floor, it is necessary to treat its surface with a primer or drying oil solution;
- Painting the wooden floor makes it well-groomed and visually perfectly flat.
- Fast and efficient operation, ensured by the use of a roller on a long handle
- To work with toxic substances, it is necessary to use a special protective mask and a tool
Important: drying oil is used only if the flooring is made of solid wood, and the paint will be oily.
- Give the solution a couple of days in order to completely saturate the entire surface, and only after that proceed to the next step;
Tip: if you want the floor covering to be as even as possible, treat it with a putty mixture. It is recommended to choose formulations that have the most oily structure and consistency. They are of higher quality, distinguished by their durability, and will last a long time.
- Choose a putty mixture that will match the color of the paint as much as possible;
- Using putty, distribute it over the entire flooring and smooth it well, eliminating all irregularities and defects;
- In order for the painted floor to have a perfectly even and smooth surface, grind each problem area using a skin. If necessary, perform these manipulations several times - until the desired effect is achieved;
- After the prepared surface has completely dried, you can start painting.
Surface painting
First of all, decide what color to paint the floor. It is important that it harmonizes and blends with the overall interior, decoration and decor of the room, does not look too catchy and contrasting.
Step-by-step instruction:
- The paint must be poured out of the can and mixed until it forms a homogeneous mass and color uniformity. Carefully ensure that the consistency does not contain lumps and clots;
- Apply the first coat of the paint base and let it dry. Then apply the second;
Important: after applying the second layer with your own hands, you must wait until it completely dries. This may take several days.
Tip: if the floor is painted for the first time, it is necessary to apply about 2-3 layers. For repeated staining, you can limit yourself to one layer.
- Each layer should be as thin as possible. This is necessary so that in the future the surface does not begin to crack and swell;
- Before you paint the floor from the boards, you need to draw a little paint, and squeeze the roller against the edge of the container, after which you can paint the surface;
- It is important to follow a certain technology. Apply paint along wood fibers. Work begins with the perimeter and baseboards;
- In the process, the brush should be slightly tilted with respect to the floor covering. Movements should be as smooth as possible. After the area near the skirting boards is painted, paint on the entire surface of the floor covering.
- Re-staining the living room floor
- Uniform coloring of the surface due to its proper preparation and processing
- Chocolate colored flooring
Tip: if you do not know how to paint the floor from the boards, we recommend that you consult a professional, or ask the seller for advice in a hardware store. For this you can also use various polyurethane, alkyd and acrylic coloring compounds.
Not knowing how to paint the floor on the balcony, we recommend using a special varnish coating. This option has one undeniable advantage, which is to preserve the pattern and structure of the tree, which in this case will be well visible. Thus, the wooden floor on your balcony will look expensive and beautiful.
Features of paints and impregnation
Before you start staining, you need to decide on the choice of paint composition, which, in turn, is divided into the following categories:
- Transparent. The composition includes varnishes or impregnations. Some of the components included in the composition make the picture of the tree more clear and pronounced;
- Color. Opaque paints that allow you to completely paint the surface in any color.
Colored paints can have one of the following origins:
- Polyurethane
- Oil;
- Alkyd;
- Acrylic
Important: impregnations are necessary in order to protect the tree from fires or other irritating factors of biological origin - these can be various fungi and mold.
Impregnations, in turn, are divided into the following categories:
- Flame retardants. Protect a surface from fire and ignitions;
- Biocidal (antiseptic). Serve as biological protection, and improve antiseptic properties.
Impregnating compositions can have both a surface effect and a deep one. The first are most suitable for self-application. Impregnation is applied to the dried and cleaned wood surface. The composition can be applied with a brush or sprayed.
Tip: in order for the tree to be impregnated more evenly and efficiently, you can use an impregnating composition based on linseed oil. It is distinguished by its effectiveness, and allows you to strengthen the structure due to the modified natural resins included in the composition.
Important: if you do not know how to paint the floor on the terrace, we recommend choosing one of the most suitable compounds. It can be terrace oil, epoxy or yacht varnish compositions, as well as chlorinated rubber paints.
Additional selection criteria for paint and impregnation
When choosing a coloring, varnish composition or impregnation, pay attention to the following recommendations and tips:
- It is advisable to opt for oil impregnation, which is completely solvent free. Give preference to the most natural compounds that dry quickly enough. The use of oils is necessary primarily for rooms in which there is a high operational load (corridor, living rooms, hallways). The composition is suitable for rooms that are not heated, or have high humidity;
- You can use varnish compositions. However, they are not resistant enough to various mechanical influences and are quickly scratched;
- The best paint is one based entirely on solvents. Waterborne dispersion compositions correspond to these criteria. They have good adhesion, moisture resistance, and retain their original appearance and color for a sufficiently long period of time;
- For kitchens and bathrooms, it is recommended to give preference. acrylic paints. For parquet alkyd enamel is used.
- Grinding the surface to give it a perfectly even and smooth structure
- Surface preparation for painting
- Wood floor painting with moisture resistant paint
- Beautiful and well-groomed flooring on the veranda
- Painstaking and complex floor painting in several colors
Important: in order not to have enough paint for a certain area, first calculate its consumption. To do this, find out the area of the room, and see how many square meters one can is enough.
Now you know how to properly paint the floors - and most importantly, you can do it yourself, without the help of a professional. Thanks to this, the final result will fully meet all your requirements and expectations.
From the video you will learn how to properly varnish the floor: