Facing with plastic panels under the stone of the bathroom

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Plastic cladding panels imitating stone
Plastic cladding panels imitating stone

Facing panels made of plastic imitating stone have recently been popular. Many people so prefer to finish the bathrooms, especially with regard to the buildings of the new generation, there the bathroom is large enough and there is where to deploy.
If you do the wall cladding with plastic panels with your own hands, then you get a double benefit, it is you who will do the job efficiently and will not hack. And the second, this is the price, it will be much lower in this version.
This will be our article. Below is an instruction to do the job correctly.

PVC panels: main advantages, disadvantages

One economical repair option bathroom considered its finish with plastic panels. This is due to the cheapness of this building material.
Many consumers are inclined to believe that it is the low price that is the main advantage of PVC panels. If, for example, we consider the decoration of the bathroom with tiles, then such an update of the room can be several times more expensive than the finish considered in this article.

  • The next important advantage of such a finishing material as plastic panels is the ease of installation. Unlike the same tile, for mounting a wall of panels you will not need to call an experienced specialist - you can do all this yourself, which will also save money.
  • The disadvantages of polyvinyl chloride panels are low environmental friendliness and not so sophisticated appearance of the resulting design. Despite the selected type and color of the panels, they will still be somewhat inferior to the tile in aesthetics and beauty.

The choice of panels for walls

The facing panels made of plastic under the stone must first be selected correctly:

Attention: If you make a choice for a bathroom, then it is better to take a glossy plane, without special bulges.

  • In the building materials market, you can find panels of various colors: with imitation of stone, wood, marble, flower ornaments, etc. The most popular among buyers is the color under the name "red-brown gypsum."
  • As stated above, produce bathroom finish plastic panels can be done with your own hands, for this it is enough to familiarize yourself with the information below.

We make the facing

Facing panels of plastic imitating stone in most cases are mounted on the frame. In this option, you can immediately do the insulation of the room.
But if you have everything in order and the walls are even, then the connection can be made directly to the wall. Here you must choose your own option.

Panel mounting methods

Now we will figure out how to fix the plastic panels for stone cladding correctly.
This work can be done in several ways:

  • Using glue is one option for attaching panels to a wall. A significant drawback of this choice is the complexity of their dismantling during subsequent repair. Also, the use of glue as a fixing panel means is unacceptable with insufficiently even walls: all the bumps will be visible.
  • If the bathroom has perfectly even and plasterboard-covered walls, the best way to fix the panels to the wall is to use hidden brackets.

Attention: If it is supposed to be fastened to “bare” walls (that is, directly to brick or concrete), then you will need to initially nail the staples with nails or screw them to the wall being trimmed.

  • The advantage of this type of fastener is that it sometimes preserves a few centimeters of space that are so important, since it does not require the arrangement of a crate.
  • Specialists in the construction industry recommend that residents of new buildings finish their bathrooms and toilets (seeToilet lining: design and its embodiment) it is with the help of plastic panels, since in the first few years the house shrinks, which can lead to deformation of the walls and, accordingly, the tiles (if it was chosen as the material for decoration).
  • The third and most common way is fixing PVC panels on the crate or guide rails. Everything here is quite clear and simple.
    Along the entire length of the wall, at some distance from each other, metal or wooden slats are fastened, onto which the panels themselves are subsequently fixed. And in this case, it is possible both to screw self-tapping screws into the panels themselves, and the use of brackets.

Tool List

To convert a bathroom using PVC panels, you will need tools and materials from the following list:

  • Directly themselves plastic panels;
  • Plastic corners or, as they are also called, moldings;
  • Ceiling and plain skirting boards;
  • Lathing for the frame: metal or wooden;
  • Means for fastening: self-tapping screws, glue or kleimers;
  • Level;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Drill or hammer drill;
  • Dowel nails;
  • Square, tape measure, pencil, hacksaw with small teeth;
  • Sealant to protect all joints from moisture.

Completing of the work

First you need to decide on the type of fastener, that is, what will be used in the work: glue, screws or kleimers:

Attention: In the case when the panels are glued, a difficult situation may arise with peeling in the event of a repair or any unforeseen situation. In addition, this option is only suitable for even walls.

  • When choosing screws for fastening the finishing material, you will have to spend a little time screwing them in, but using a screwdriver will help to ease the situation. When choosing this method, the preliminary execution of the crate of wooden bars, which are initially treated with antiseptics, is necessary.
  • The best way is to use kleimers. They are special staples that can wedge into the crate, thereby reliably securing the PVC panels. Installation does not require much time and effort, but there is a need to first complete the basis for fastening - crate.

Installation of the lathing

The lathing is made of wooden blocks 1 * 3 cm in size or special plastic profiles for PVC panels:

  • If a tree is used as a framework, then it must be treated with antiseptics before installation, otherwise the material will not last long.
  • To give rigidity to the walls, the first rail is installed along the floor, and the rest, leaving 40-60 cm between each other.
  • It is also mandatory to install the rail along the ceiling. Before screwing the transverse bars, it is worth marking the wall.
  • Then, holes are drilled in the wall using a perforator, after which the block is fixed with dowels.
Metal frame installation
Metal frame installation

Attention: The distance between the rails should not exceed 50 cm. Otherwise, the panels may lead. After all, there will be a temperature difference.

  • If you will use a metal profile for the frame, then you should worry about its attachment plane. This parameter must be maintained.
    To check, you need to diagonally pull the fishing line and check with a level. Abel profile should be in one plane.

Panel Mounting

For wall PVC panels, there are a large number of different types of components - moldings, which are designed to hide all corners and joints during decoration:

Attention: In order to hide the joint with the floor use a plastic baseboard, with a ceiling - ceiling molding.

  • The installation of PVC panels should start from the corner farthest from the door, since it will be the most noticeable one.
  • The standard sizes of plastic panels are 2.7 or 3 meters in length. If necessary, they can be easily shortened with a jigsaw or hacksaw.

Mounting Steps:

  • The panel is inserted into the side molding and secured from the inside to the crate;
  • All subsequent panels are inserted into the previous ones. It is necessary to strongly press the panels against each other in order to exclude the leaving of cracks, and then fix them.
  • In places where the installation of a socket or switch is required, the hole in the panel is cut using the most ordinary knife-cutter. Then a plastic box is installed there. Sometimes you need cropping and the last panel, as often it just does not fit into the remaining space.
  • Maximum joint sealing is ensured by applying a small amount of silicone sealant to the edges before insertion. This is especially important when decorating the bathroom.
  • Regardless of the chosen method of mounting wall panels, the result will pleasantly surprise the owners. The main thing is that finishing a bathroom with such material does not require much time and money, and a beautiful appearance will remain for a long time.

Facing with plastic panels under the stone will look great. Here you just need to pay special attention to the placement of the picture, everything should be symmetrical and have the correct geometric shape.
Before starting work, you should see photos and videos. After that, make a work plan. If everything is done and not in a hurry, then the work will be of high quality.

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