Facing with siding facade: the whole cycle of work
Facing the facade of buildings with siding has recently been encountered quite often. This material allows you to not expensively create a beautiful home design.
Today we will tell you what technology is facing the facade siding. And how to do it right. You can also watch a video on this topic.
The content of the article
Siding for facade cladding At home, this is far from being the standard type of material that is used to decorate the walls in the house. Their production is carried out from stable special materials with an admixture of expensive compounds.
Why exactly siding
The panel itself is represented by a "cake" with a filling of PVC, reliably protected by plastic on both sides. Siding is very firmly attached to a special metal or wooden grill. Thanks to this design, the panel acquires an unprecedented strength.
For plastic panels, this is especially valuable, since there are a lot of advantages when finishing the foundation:
- Facing the walls of the facade with siding does not respond to environmental influences. If you accidentally hit the liquid on the surface, you can not worry;
- Facing siding for facades perfectly tolerates temperature extremes and high humidity. Differs in big durability.
- Ease in the construction of structures from the panel, as well as the material itself;
- Complete safety for foundation cladding in terms of the possibility of frost and fire. The absence of fracture, cracks, deformations over a long period of time;
- Facing with siding facades can act as a support for the house of an additional character (a full layer of foundation). The fact is that this type of panels can withstand fairly high loads, and without subsidence;
- The design of the panel visually aligns the foundation of the house, hiding some of its flaws;
- Due to the smooth surface, it is possible to decorate in various ways, from painting to finishing with the application of decorative plaster;
- Also, everything can be done completely with your own hands and thereby reduce the cost of the entire structure;
Surface preparation and frame installation
Facing the facade with siding with your own hands provides for the correct preparation of the base plane.
This is all done as follows:
- Facing the facades with siding itself will not work, you will need help. Invite a relative and make forests first.
Let them not be professional, the main thing is that it is convenient to move at altitude. On a ladder, this is simply inconvenient; - We remove everything that interferes. These are both sashes and air conditioners. The surface must be completely clean;
- Facing of building facades siding should be mounted on a prepared plane. So for starters, do it inspect and check the plaster.
She has to hold well. If there are cracks, then they just need to be broken with a chisel and a hammer and plastered; - Facing facades with siding do-it-yourself should be done in one plane. We need to draw the right line. So that it is completely parallel to the earth.
To do this, we put at risk, where we assume the beginning of fastening the finish. After this, the risk must be transferred to other walls. To do this, use the hydraulic level. It is with his help that this work can be done most qualitatively. Transferable; - Now we just need to connect the marks in one line. To do this, use kapron thread and beat off the desired level.We have a frame installation line.
To install the frame, you can apply two materials. Metal corner or wooden beam.
- We take measurements and get a metal profile. Here, make the right measurements and remember that you do not have to buy the material end-to-end, get 15% more. You will have waste and this must be taken into account;
- For a wood frame, you will need to purchase a tree of special strength, impregnated with special compounds, namely long bars 3.5 cm wide. They are attached using a concrete screed or a screwdriver to the foundation surface.
Caution: wood should be pre-treated with antiseptics. They are in retail and significantly extend the life of the material.
Cladding technology facade siding itself is the correct installation of a base for fastening trim elements. That is, the crate should be installed in one plane.
It is she who will determine the geometrically correct shape:
- Now cut the frame element to the desired size. And fasten around the perimeter. This we get the binding.
For fixing we use the expansion bolt shield. Do not use the dowel from the kit, it will not give the necessary rigidity. To do this, it is worth purchasing separately plastic and screws for it, only a couple of mm more than the clipping of the hole; - We fasten the harness. Now we need to place the transverse bars inside the harness. To do this, we need to pull the fishing line along the diagonals of the structure.
This will be our height. Now do the markup for install. It should be borne in mind that the panel cannot be mounted on weight. Facing the facade with pvc siding is performed on the frame.
Therefore, consider this point when applying the markup. Height adjustment is done using gaskets, which must be prepared in advance. Draw. Cut the parts to the desired size. Fasten.
Cladding house facade DIY siding involves making the surface warm. Just do not fasten the insulation immediately. To do this, first take waterproofing and laugh at the desired size.
Attention: Please note that waterproofing is not installed in the joint. When cutting, make an allowance in the direction of increase. The material should overlap about five cm.
The technology for facing facades with siding involves fastening the insulation by at least six points. For this, building plastic fungi are used. First, a hole is made using a puncher and after that we do the fastening.
Siding mount
After the frame and insulation are installed, you can mount the panels themselves. This process is not difficult: you just need to put each panel on the screws in turn.
Mounting is best started from left to top. It’s better to do everything gradually, without dragging and dropping.
Otherwise, skews and slopes are possible. To do this, do not forget to also use the construction level.
Facing the facade of the house with siding is done in the following order:
Attention: It is best to preliminarily mark on the foundation the places where the panel joins the frame. This is where the screws should be screwed in, which ensures a more reliable fastening. Care should be taken to ensure that the panels are located close to each other, and do not forget to make some clearance from the ground level.
- Also, in addition to the usual installation of plastic panels on the foundation, it will not hurt to use auxiliary materials, namely, the starting and finishing profiles. They make installation simpler and more convenient, not only reliably securing the panels to the foundation surface, but also fastening them together.
To dismantle such a design, or to damage it mechanically, will not be so simple; - Installation of trim panels starts from the bottom and moves to the top;
- Important is the openings and corners. In free sale there are ready-made plastic corners. They need to be cut only to fit along the length, and then with the help of screws to fix on the frame. You do not have to think about the evenness of the joining of this material at the corners, because with the help of corners you can hide small irregularities.
- Facing the facades of houses with siding should not be carried out under the stress of the material. It should not be pulled and bent. Laying should be done naturally;
- You never need to fasten the panels to each other tightly. Make no big gap. This will save you trouble during the expansion of the material;
- After laying five rows, you need to check the correct placement using the building level;
- Remember that there should be some distance between the ground and the bottom tile. A similar finish is required in order to protect the slabs and the foundation from the slightest possible shrinkage.
To a certain extent, this will protect the house and plates from deformation. Fastening OSB panels is best done with self-tapping screws. - If you are facing in the winter, then you need to know that cutting parts can be done at temperatures up to -10 *. If it is lower, then it is worth doing it indoors;
- For fastening, it is best to use galvanized screws. Many advise making a connection with a stapler. But this is not durable, and there will not be sufficient rigidity;
- Before starting the installation, you must immediately try on the item. And only after that cut it. Do not make a turn. Spoil a lot of stuff;
- When facing window and door openings, you first need to cut off the J-bar and then fasten it. Just don’t need to place it along the very edge of the corner, you need to retreat about 10 mm;
- After finishing the entire plane, it is necessary to finish the gables. There is an article on this topic on our website.
Now you know how siding of facades is done, the video is also worth a look. In the photo you can choose the desired design. And most importantly, do not rush while doing the work. Correct markup is pretty important here.