How to fix a horizontal bar between the walls

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Horizontal bar between the walls
Horizontal bar between the walls

Hinged horizontal bars, the Swedish wall is designed for regular exercise. The greatest value of a person is his good health, which depends largely on the physical shape of the body.

It’s not always possible to go to the gym because of the large employment, lack of funds, and sometimes just laziness. How to install a horizontal bar between the walls will tell the article.

Shell features

The horizontal bar is one of the simple sports equipment that you can mount with your own hands at home, and then everyone can do it.

On this projectile, you can perform a large set of exercises that will help strengthen:

  • Your back.
  • Pectoral muscles.
  • Press.
  • Increase hand strength.

Regular training on the horizontal bar allows you to:

  • To achieve correction of incorrect posture in children and adults.
  • Relieve tension on the back muscles.

The advantage of the projectile is the ability to "hang" on it up to three minutes several times a day, without special preparation and the need for training fees.

Tip: Regular classes can be most beneficial, so the horizontal bar should be purchased and installed in the house and apartment.

A few simple exercises that are performed on this sports equipment:

  • The usual "hang" - to strengthen the fingers.
  • Pullups Starting once a day, and gradually increasing the load.
  • Alternating pull-ups with different types of grip: increasing and decreasing the distance between the hands.

Types of home horizontal bars

Any such sports equipment is attached to the wall with anchor bolts. The main indicators during the installation of the structure are:

  • The load allowed on him.
  • Crossbar length.
  • The maximum distance of the horizontal bar from the wall.

Wall-mounted devices can have various variations:

  • Classical. In this case, you can only pull up with a medium and narrow grip, with a small crossbar length.
  • With a wide grip. For this, the horizontal bar has special handles for pulling up.
  • Neutral grip, with the installation of additional handles for pulling up, as in the photo.
Horizontal bar with additional handles
Horizontal bar with additional handles
  • With bars and installed emphasis for the press.
  • Horizontal bar expansion in a doorway.

The advantages of spacer structures - there is no need to use additional devices for their fastening, they are installed in the spacer. Disadvantage:

  1. marks on the door frame;
  2. improper installation and excessive load on the crossbar can lead to its breakdown and personal injury.
  • Horizontal bar spacing between walls. To increase the strength of the structure, it is mounted on anchor bolts.

Tip: When choosing a spacer, you should agree on the length and width of the doorway or the distance between the walls.

  • Ceiling mounted. Bolted to the ceiling. Moreover, such designs can be:
  1. ordinary;
  2. adjustable, the distance of the crossbar to the ceiling plane changes;
  3. with various captures.
  • Horizontal bar hinged on the Swedish wall.
Mounted horizontal bar
Mounted horizontal bar

How to choose the right horizontal bar

Tip: When purchasing a structure, you should take into account the dimensions of the room where it will be mounted, and the physical composition of the person who will be engaged in it.

Instructions for choosing a horizontal bar:

  • The installation location is determined:
  1. directly to the wall;
  2. in the doorway;
  3. on the ceiling.
  • The maximum load on the product is being specified, usually it is up to 150 kilograms.
  • Expanding horizontal bars keep the walls intact, but they are not suitable for a person who is tall. Typically, such structures have a length of from 0.7 to 1.7 meters. If necessary, a longer length of the projectile is installed on the wall horizontal bar, and its wide grip allows you to perform a larger number of exercises.
  • To maximize space in the apartment, you can choose a folding wall horizontal bar.

Tip: To prevent slipping of hands on the bar, you should purchase a rubberized horizontal bar.

How to fix the horizontal bar between the walls

Sometimes there are problems installing spacer shells due to:

  • Walls made of drywall.
  • The small height of the doorway, which is very inconvenient for an adult man.

The most suitable place for such a construction is a corridor opening, where the distance between the walls is up to 1.2 meters.

For the reliability of fixing the horizontal bar, there are several options:

  • On both sides, install specially additional side panels opposite to the walls from floor to ceiling, and attach a crossbar to them.

The disadvantage of this method:

  1. the corridor opening narrows (see Stone corridor decoration: types of material);
  2. not too attractive appearance.
  • Make a decor of wooden beams, like a Swedish wall to the color of cashing or doors. In this case, several cuts are made, located at different heights for several types of exercises and people with different heights.

How to fix a horizontal bar

Installing the horizontal bar on a brick wall or concrete:

  • Two pieces of a metal profile pipe with a diameter of 28x3, a length of 50 centimeters are purchased. At their ends, pointed nips are made with a triangular file, with which the elements will abut against the walls, and increase the strength of the structure. A thread has been cut inside each tube: one on the left and the other on the right.
  • One pin is made with right and left-hand threads at different ends of the same length M24, the total length of the element is 25 centimeters.
Fixing unit for the crossbar in drywall
Fixing unit for the crossbar in drywall
  • When the stud rotates, the tubes will turn on it, which will reduce the crossbar, and when rotated to the other side, the length of the structure increases.
  • To install the horizontal bar, the tubes are screwed onto the studs.
  • The crossbar is placed in the right place and, by rotating the stud with a wrench, the ends of the tubes abut against the walls.

To make the design price less, you can use:

  • Ordinary pipe with internal thread at the ends.
  • A simple stud with an external thread, with a diameter equal to the inner diameter of the tube, with a length of at least 10 centimeters.
  • Two nuts for expanding the crossbar when fixing it to the walls.

How to fix a horizontal bar or crossbar on drywall walls

When finishing brick or concrete walls, which are trimmed with sheets of drywall, it is impossible to fix the crossbars on them, which is associated with the fragility and low strength of gypsum.

The crossbar on the walls sheathed with drywall
The crossbar on the walls sheathed with drywall

To securely fix the horizontal bar, you can use this technology:

  • With a small chisel and a hammer, holes in the depths of about 20 millimeters are hollowed out in the right places in the brick wall.
  • Through the hole in the drywall, a rotband is laid in the gap between the sheet and the wall until it occupies the entire space, this is about one liter. The rotband can be replaced with cement, gypsum, alabaster and any other leveling mortar.

Tip: When using a cement mortar, you should push pieces of foam or ordinary cardboard a few centimeters in depth into the hole down, to prevent it from falling through.

  • Before closing the solution, you need to prepare the crossbar for installation. For this:
  1. one end is wrapped in plastic wrap. Such a polyethylene gasket allows, after the solution has hardened, to freely remove the crossbar from the hole;
  2. under the opposite end of the bar, to align it in height, you can put a piece of plywood.
  • After filling any hole in the drywall with any solution, the crossbar is inserted into it with force, its opposite end is fixed.
  • The extruded solution is removed.
  • The design remains to dry the solution.
  • After hardening the solution, the crossbar is removed and the second hole is also prepared.
  • To close the formed small gap around the crossbar, you can use any decorative rings.

How to make a horizontal bar between walls in other ways, to fix structures directly to a wall or ceiling, can be seen in detail in the video in this article.

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